علم الفلك

كل يوم نذهب أبي وأنا إلى الحديقة و نتنزه حوالي الساعة السادسة مساءً. نمشي مستمتعين بالرياضة المفيدة ونتحدث أثناء سيرنا على الطريق بأمورنا اليومية والأخبار العادية. عندما نصل إلى الحديقة نمشي حولها غالباً دورتين كاملتين و نشعر بالبهجة لوجودنا في الهواء الطلق وأفرح كوني وأبي نتكلم بمختلف المواضيع المسلية وخاصة المواضيع العلمية

فلولا العلم لما أنجزت كل تلك الإختراعات والإكتشافات التي أفادت البشرية. إن اكتشاف الكواكب من خلال علم الفلك مثلاً خولنا أن نزور القمر وقريباً المريخ

ما أجمل زيارة الكواكب فأنا أحلم أن أزور زحل لأني دائماً أفكر كيف يبدو شكل ذلك القرص الذي يدور حوله وجمال المنظر. أما بالنسبة لكوكب المشتري فهو أيضاً جميل ومن المتع رؤية العاصفة التي تهب على سطحه منذ حوالي 400 عام. وأكثر من هذا غرابة وجود 63 قمر يدورون حوله. أما بلوتو فهو طبعاً أكثر كوكب مثلج وبارد في المجموعة الشمسية فهو أبرد من القطب الشمالي والجنوبي بمئات المرات. أما عطارد فهو طبعا أكثر كوكب حار في مجموعتنا الشمسية. أما الشمس وهي نجمنا الذي منحنا الضوء والحياة على سطح الأرض فهو كبير إلى حد لا يمكن للعقل البشري تخيله علماُ أنه نجم عادي بين مليارات النجوم المشابهة المنتشرة في أصقاع الفضاء الشاسعة وفي مختلف المجرات


كم أحب دراسة علم الفلك والتعمق في تفاصيله المثيرة. اريد عندما أكبر أن أصبح عالم فلك و أصبح من اشهر المكتشفين والمخترعين

غالباً ما أقول لأبي عندما يكون الجو مناسباً أنني اريد أن أراقب السماء بالمنظار (التلسكوب) وأحقق بداية أحلامي في أن أزور يوماً ما أحد الكواكب البعيدة والتعرف على كائنات ذكية مثلنا


14 Responses to “علم الفلك”

  1. Superkid, Nice post…I too often times think of the far away planets and what possibilities may be in store for those, who in the future, will travel to them. I do think there is intelligent life form on some other planet besides our own Earth. The Big Bang theory is just that…but who really knows for sure. Keep gazing and many happy walks with your Father, say hello to everyone:-))


    • Hi UIL
      Thank you for your nice comment.
      I am convinced that there is intelligent life on many other planets in the universe.
      My father already explained to me the Big Bang theory and when school is over he will read for me from his favorite science book called Cosmos.

  2. Amto Maha Says:

    Dear Fares,

    Great return and a very interesting post, indeed! Well worth the long wait.

    I, personally, like to gaze at stars, especially on a clear night where millions of lights shine in the sky!

    I do believe somehow that there is some kind of life out there, but I’m not sure if it’s as intelligent as ours on planet Earth.

    Once again, welcome back to the world of blogging. I already look forward to your next post, with the hope that it won’t take another two months, eh!

    Kisses and love to the family – Amto Maha

    • Hi Amto Maha
      I am busy with school and I can only write on Friday. But I also have to play on my PSP and PC and watch TV so I have very little time. But I hope I write a new post next week.

  3. Groovy Girl Says:

    Fantastic post, Superkid! The photos are great too. I love thinking about outer-space: the stars, the galaxies, the nebulae, the planets, and the immeasurable size. Have you got a telescope? I got one recently…it’s truly amazing what you can see. 🙂

    • Hi Groovy Girl
      I always enjoy your comments.
      We have a telescope (dad) but it is in the summer home in the mountain. I feel so jealous because you had a chance to use yours and I’m waiting for the summer eagerly to be able to gaze at the night sky with dad on the roof.

  4. Amto Maha Says:

    Hey there again,

    I think I have a brilliant idea for your birthday, with the hope that I can deliver it personally, Inshallah.

    Sorry I missed talking to you today, on my birthday.

    Kisses – Amto Maha

  5. Wow wow wow … GREAT article and very nicely written!! You found my hobby – I LOVE astronomy or simply stargazing! I took, long ago, a semester astronomy in college, the most difficult I have even taken but to be honest – the most fascinating and interesting! Don’t ask how many hair on my head turned grey from having to re-learn all those physics-laws applicable in astronomy but once we got to the planets, I was all ears and eyes! I LOVE to stand out there and look …. only look – I can do that for hours if I have time and it is warm enough … watch falling stars if I am lucky, accompany with my eyes the satellites (which are usually nothing else but space-debris) and imagine kist look – in awe! Can you identify the north star (which always tells you where NORTH is if you know how to look)? Orion with it’s marvellous belt? The big and little dipper? Ask your dad – I am sure he knows! Once you’ll be able to do THAT, you’ll be already a halfway professional stargazer!!!!!!!

    Fantastic post Fares … already waiting for the next one!

  6. Wow wow wow … GREAT article and very nicely written!! You found my hobby – I LOVE astronomy or simply stargazing! I took, long ago, a semester astronomy in college, the most difficult I have even taken but to be honest – the most fascinating and interesting! Don’t ask how many hair on my head turned grey from having to re-learn all those physics-laws applicable in astronomy but once we got to the planets, I was all ears and eyes! I LOVE to stand out there and look …. only look – I can do that for hours if I have time and it is warm enough … watch falling stars if I am lucky, accompany with my eyes the satellites (which are usually nothing else but space-debris) and just look – in awe! Can you identify the north star (which always tells you where NORTH is if you know how to look)? Orion with it’s marvellous belt? The big and little dipper? Ask your dad – I am sure he knows! Once you’ll be able to do THAT, you’ll be already a halfway professional stargazer!!!!!!!

    Fantastic post Fares … already waiting for the next one!

  7. gorgous girl Says:

    super kid…
    the pics r gr8!!!
    i love the solar system i think that there is life in space.Because we can’t be the only living things in space…
    bye g2g

  8. nice article.i love reading your article too..

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